Greek Council is a group of elected chapter members who are responsible for uniting Greek Life under one voice and serving as a liaison between Portland State University and Greek Life. Each chapter elects the representatives they feel will best present their standards and ideas. The Executive Council is made up of members from multiple chapters, who are then elected by the current Greek Council at the end of each spring. They then serve a full year term in their position. Meetings: General meetings are held bi-weekly, starting on Week 2 of Fall Term. Executive council leadership meetings are also held bi-weekly, starting TBD. Meeting Dates and times are TBA for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year. Contact Information: The SALP Greek Life Advisor is Madeline Frisk. She can be reached at [email protected]for more information about becoming involved with Greek Council. 2023-2024 Greek Council Member Chapters Alpha Chi Omega Delta Gamma Kappa Delta Chi Omega Delta Phi